Today News_20210427

Information/today news|2021. 4. 27. 07:01
1. Ant, Alibaba Show How China Reins in Big Tech Faster Than Other Countries | WSJ

2. As India's covid crisis worsens, it threatens the economic rebound

3. Strength of economy and earnings remain two biggest market stories, says BofA vice chair

4. Bain & Co.'s Harris on Global Economic Recovery

5. We Believe - The Stories Continue | Disney+

6. Deutsche Bank Previews Economic Data This Week

7. Do Oil Prices Still Predict Inflation?

8. Tata Steel Ramps Up Medical Oxygen Production To Combat Shortage Amid COVID Crisis

9. What Wall Street Is Telling Us About the U.S. Economic Outlook

10. Even as economy heats up, Fed to stick with near-zero rates

11. 10-year Treasury yields will break out of slump within weeks, Wells Fargo predicts

12. California EDD still bogged down with jobless claims

13. The Free Market is Dead: What Will Replace It?

14. US companies plan price rises as inflation pressure builds

15. Roku accuses Google of anti-competitive tactics in YouTube TV negotiations

16. UK economy set to grow faster than the US this year - Goldman

17. Durable goods orders bounce back in March

18. No Turning Back As Bitcoin and Crypto Set To Replace Current Financial System, Says Coin Bureau

19. The second wave of Covid-19 has started hurting India's economy

20. Analysis: Fed's 'maximum employment' push may fall short in post-pandemic economy

21. THE WOLF STREET REPORT: It's a Perfect Time to Sell a Home (to FOMO-Addled Buyers)

22. Vazegate: NIA Seizes White Polo Car Allegedly Used By Sunil Mane On The Day Of Mansukh Hiren's Death

23. Asian shares pulled higher by China, eyes on Fed, US GDP

24. Fed to Announce Bond Taper in Fourth Quarter, Economists Say

25. Turkish lira edges back from record low, U.S. ties and rate cuts loom

26. U.S. business spending on equipment ends first quarter on strong note

27. Unemployed Coloradans struggling with identity verification: “We are who we say we are”

28. Russia Ditches the Dollar in More Than Half of Its Exports

29. West Looks Past Covid-19 and Sees Economic Resurgence

30. Supermarkets Say Goodbye to Pantry Loading, Hello to Inflation

