전체 글에 해당하는 글 985


Information/today news|2021. 4. 17. 08:34
1. China’s economy shakes off pandemic ‘hiccups’, but outlook still cloudy

2. IMF Warns China Tech Decoupling Would Slash Global GDP

3. What's The Outlook for Inflation and Gold?

4. Millions Of Job Openings Go Unfilled As Millions Collect Some Form Of Unemployment | NBC News NOW

5. BOJ Official Says Digital Yuan is Unlikely to Dominate the World

6. China's economy expands record 18.3 per cent in the first quarter of 2021

7. Stocks to watch as earning season kicks off and the economy reopens

8. Daimler's Q1 earnings beat market expectation on high prices | Business & Economy | English News

9. Fed Gov. Waller: Inflation could run at 2.5% for 2021

10. Dow hits milestone, S&P breaks record high on tech rally | Business & Economy | Latest English News

11. Unemployment Is High. Why Are Businesses Struggling to Hire?

12. We will have strong economic growth: BMO's Ernesto Ramos

13. CNBC's All-America Economic Survey: Respondents split on whether now's the time to invest

14. Exclusive: China opens its borders to billions of dollars of gold imports - sources

15. One of the ugliest data points of the COVID-19 era is turning around

16. 'Plus-up' stimulus checks: Here’s who is eligible

17. Real estate investor who shorted subprime mortgages says this housing boom is in a bubble, too

18. Jeff Bezos says Amazon has to treat its employees better

19. 'We need at least one more check.' The case for a fourth stimulus payment

20. With layoffs down and spending up, US rebound gains momentum

21. U.S. imposes sweeping sanctions targeting Russian economy

22. Initial jobless claims come in at 576000, lowest since early days of pandemic

23. US economy: Stocks climb to record levels as new data shows surge in consumer spending

24. 20 habits that prevent you from being a millionaire

25. Retail sales explode in March as consumers use stimulus checks to spend heavily

26. The Biden Boom Has Begun

27. EDD backlog once again grows to more than 1 million claims

28. Steep drop in jobless claims, soaring retail sales buoy hopes for a robust recovery

29. More ‘plus-up’ stimulus payments on the way to taxpayers this week, IRS says

30. Arkansas' jobless rate dips to 4.4%, tourism sector continues to post most job losses




Information/today news|2021. 4. 16. 07:17
1. Retail industry seeing uptick in foot traffic as COVID restrictions lift, vaccines rollout

2. Fed: Economy accelerated at moderate pace

3. Initial jobless claims come in at 576000, lowest since early days of pandemic

4. U.S. imposes sweeping sanctions targeting Russian economy

5. Retail sales explode in March as consumers use stimulus checks to spend heavily

6. 'We Just Can't Do This Anymore'

7. Jeff Bezos says Amazon has to treat its employees better

8. How Mario Draghi Is Making Italy a Power Player in Europe

9. 'We need at least one more check.' The case for a fourth stimulus payment

10. Oil price climbs nearly 5% on signs of increasing crude demand | Business & Economy | English News

11. The economy is running on a stimulus-fueled caffeine high. What will happen when it wears off?

12. Why some people may have to return their $1,400 stimulus check to the IRS

13. Forthcoming Russia sanctions won't include Nord Stream 2

14. Employers struggle to find staff as unemployment falls | The Business

15. The Biden Boom Has Begun

16. Michigan unemployment: Extended benefits will end this weekend as unemployment rate drops

17. CEO who gave employees $70K minimum wage says revenue tripled 6 years later ll

18. Fed's Powell Sees Economy at Inflection Point

19. First Parts Of Billionaire Sanjeev Gupta's Steel Empire Face Bankruptcy

20. Report: Kentucky state workers gamed system for unemployment benefits during pandemic

21. US economy: Stocks climb to record levels as new data shows surge in consumer spending

22. Why stagflation is a growing threat to the global economy

23. CNBC survey shows support for infrastructure spending much less than previous stimulus

24. Brazil Central Bank Chief: Energy Prices Hit Core Inflation

25. Initial jobless claims drop to fresh pandemic-era low of 576,000

26. Steep drop in jobless claims, soaring retail sales buoy hopes for a robust recovery

27. Strained supply chains creating backlog in furniture industry

28. Why More U.S. Inflation Is Right Around the Corner

29. Senate bill would expand unemployment benefits and pay $250 a week to gig workers

30. Consumer confidence surges while ASX rallies to highest since February 2020 | Finance Report



오늘의 뉴스_20210327

Information/today news|2021. 3. 27. 13:07
1. 삼성重 ‘2조8000억 수주 잭팟’

2. 이동우 롯데지주 대표 "바이오·전기차배터리 신사업 연구중"

3. 임세령 대상홀딩스·대상 부회장에…임상민과 본격 \'자매경영\'

4. "공공재개발·도심사업 후보지 내주 발표"

5. KB국민카드, HSBC 코리아와 제휴 기업카드 출시

6. 없어서 못 파는 현대 \'아이오닉5\'…충전·세차·차박 \'무료\'

7. 비트코인, 5만 달러선 겨우 안착…일각선 4만 달러 전망도

8. [복덕방기자들]강남부자, 아파트 아닌 000에 투자하는 이유

9. LH 직원 70명, 세종·진주서 특별공급 중복분양 받아

10. LG-SK 주총까지 번진 배터리 싸움… "합당한 배상" vs "수용 불가"

11. MEDI:GATE NEWS : 일동제약 올해 제2형 당뇨병 치료신약 등 R&D 역량 강화

12. 국민연금,국내주식투자 비중 상향 선거 후로 미뤘다

13. \'바이넥스·비보존제약 사태\' 위탁사 전반으로 확대

14. SC그룹 "2050년 `탄소중립` 목표 달성 어려울 것"

15. 종근당홀딩스, 김태영 신임 대표이사 선임

16. 월급 안준다고 신고해?…더러운 동전 9만여개로 보복한 업주

17. IMF, 올 한국 성장률 3.6%로↑…확장재정 유지 권고

18. 싱겁게 끝난 금호석유 \'조카의 난\' … 박철완, 삼촌에 완패

19. \'계약해지에 로고삭제까지\' 중국서 H&M·나이키 반감 확산

20. \'인텔의 역습\'…복잡해진 삼성전자의 속내

21. 유럽의약청 “셀트리온 치료제, 코로나 중증 진행 위험 환자에 사용 가능”

22. 삼성전자 연봉 파격 인상…사원 대리 11% 올려

23. 은성수 금융위원장 “불편해도 불완전판매 나쁜 관행으로 되돌아갈 수 없어”

24. 과기정통부 2차관에 조경식 비서관…"디지털 뉴딜 성과 낼 행정가”

25. [이슈시개]꼼수로 공짜밥…\'쿠팡 거지\' 주의보

26. [코인시황] 비트코인 반짝 상승, 일론 효과 오래 안가

27. 아스트라제네카 "美 임상시험서 76% 효능...최종 결과" 사이언스

28. 쿠팡, 1천억 투자해 전북 최대 물류센터 짓는다

29. 컨설팅社 \'코로나 특수\'라는데… 잘못된 진단으로 수천억원 배상하기도

30. 주택 거래량 줄고 전셋값도 주춤…집값 하락 시그널일까



Today News_20210327

Information/today news|2021. 3. 27. 13:06
1. Can vaccine passports kickstart the economy? | The Economist

2. Suez Canal blockage hits global supply chains but Covid-recovery undimmed

3. BMO\'s Brian Belski and HighTower\'s Stephanie Link on investing in the re-opening economy

4. Holtz-Eakin: U.S. Stimulus Will Not Generate Sustained Price Inflation

5. The consumer is the key reason why we\'re really bullish on the economy: Meyer

6. How a giant ship stuck in the Suez Canal is disrupting global trade

7. Is market really crashing in April? What would cause it? Watch these signals - Michael Gayed

8. Piracy fears mount as ships take long way around Africa to avoid blocked Suez Canal

9. How Suez Canal blockage is impacting energy prices

10. Indonesia unemployment soars amid COVID outbreak

11. Peter Schiff says this is the only cryptocurrency that makes sense (Pt. 2/2)

12. The housing market already is on fire, and inflation will soon follow, this former Morgan Stanley economist argues

13. Everything coming to Disney+ in April

14. Global shipping was in chaos even before the Suez blockage. Shortages and higher prices loom

15. Life Just Above Minimum Wage: For 53 Million, Median Pay Is $10.22 An Hour

16. An Unexpected $10,200 Unemployment Tax Break: What to Know

17. U.S. Set for Strongest GDP Growth Since 1984

18. The Fed has embraced the \'punchbowl\' and has no intention of taking it away

19. Turmoil in Turkey: Central bank boss fired as economy faces challenges

20. Asian American businesses are defending themselves against rise in anti-Asian violence

21. Blocked Suez Canal Shows the Need for a New Supply-Side Economics

22. Weekly jobless claims fall to lowest level in more than a year

23. US jobless claims fall to 684,000, fewest since pandemic

24. Will Business Travel Return to Normal After Covid?

25. What the latest economic data suggests about recovery: Stifel chief economist

26. Big taxes will \'whack\' recovering economy: Steve Forbes

27. Suez Canal goods delays could worsen if ship is not freed soon

28. U.S. Jobless Claims Fall to Lowest in a Year

29. What a Long Suez Canal Closure Means for the Oil Price

30. New signs show that China is cracking down on debt again




오늘의 뉴스_20210326

Information/today news|2021. 3. 26. 08:15
1. IMF, 한국 경제 성장률 3.6% 전망…0.5%p 상향

2. 맥킨지 믿고 스마트폰 개발 늦췄다 낭패 본 LG...코로나 속 컨설팅 붐 경계론

3. 말뿐인 과로사 대책…택배 노동자들 또 쓰러졌다

4. 비트코인 한때 5만달러선도 위험…개미들 시장 떠나(상보)

5. 뭇매 맞는 중국 김치, 단체급식에서는?

6. 금감원, NH투자증권·하나은행 \'옵티머스 중징계\'

7. 빚투 경고나선 한은…주가 급락시 반대매매 시한폭탄 \'꽝\'

8. GM, 車반도체 부족에 美 미주리 공장 \'가동 중단\' 外

9. \'백신접종\'에 소비심리 비관→낙관… 물가인식 2.1%로 올라

10. `상장 민주화` 꺼낸 로빈후드, 1300만 사용자에게 문호연다

11. 커지고 세지는 대기업 이사회… 인사-경영전략까지 맡아

12. 공단, 민간 보험사와 손잡고 보험사기 공동대응 나서

13. 식약처, YTN 보도 \'바이넥스 사태\' 위법 결론..."불시 점검 강화"

14. \'신장\' 경제로도 불똥…중국, 글로벌 브랜드 보이콧 확산 2021.03.25.

15. 펀드 설명서를 국어책 읽듯 녹취… 1시간만에 녹초 됐다

16. 코빗, 가상자산 사업·투자 지침서 발간 - CoinDesk Korea 신뢰 그 이상의 가치

17. [단독/시그널] 구현모의 KT, 비주력 정리 속도…e스포츠구단 \'KT롤스터\' 매물로

18. \'2019년 막차 특공\' 63명…분양가 3배 수익 추정 2021.03.24.

19. AZ, 백신 효과 76%로 낮춰 다시 발표…NYT “또 바뀔 가능성”

20. 아스트라제네카 "美 임상시험서 76% 효능...최종 결과"

21. 하루 앞으로 다가온 금호석유 주총, 국민연금 반대한 고배당 안건 통과될까

22. 신학철 LG화학 부회장 "SK에 합당한 배상받도록 엄정 대처"

23. ETRI, 이동형 전파방향탐지 안테나 세계 첫 개발

24. 효자 먹거리 파운드리·전기차 배터리… 잇단 도전에 \'비상\'

25. 9 머스크 말 믿었단 낭패?…비트코인으로 테슬라 사면 세금폭탄

26. 두살 아이도 삼성전자 주식 지녔다…이제 \'1인 1계좌\' 시대

27. 30GB 영화 2편을 1초만에…삼성전자, DDR5 메모리 개발

28. 생필품된 스마트폰인데...구글, \'먹통\' 반복에도 사과는 없었다

29. 강영권 에디슨모터스 대표 "쌍용차 인수하겠다…체어맨 전기차 만들 것”

30. 매입 임대주택 입주자 모집, 5일부터 청년·신혼부부 대상…5월 입주 가능 2021.03.25.

