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Today News_20210326

Information/today news|2021. 3. 26. 08:14
1. Powell Is Acting Like Dirty Harry With Bond Market: Grisanti

2. Weekly jobless claims fall to lowest level in more than a year

3. Stifel chief economist on what the latest economic data suggests about the recovery

4. Stimulus Checks Alone May Not Spur Inflation. Here\'s What Could | WSJ

5. Economic reopening driving Nasdaq stocks lower and yields higher, says Centerstone Investors\' Abhay

6. How Suez Canal blockage is impacting energy prices

7. China\'s Recovery Less Uneven and Healthier: China Beige Book

8. Schroders\' Ron Insana on inflation risks to the markets and economy

9. Edmonds businesses at odds over \'Walkable Main Street\' program

10. Unemployment claims sink to coronavirus pandemic low of 684000

11. Mobius Says the Turkish Lira Will Remain Steady

12. With Negative Rates, Homeowners in Europe Are Paid to Borrow

13. Powell, Yellen Weigh in on State of Economy

14. Suez Canal blockage is delaying an estimated $400 million an hour in goods

15. At Home CEO Lee Bird on the reopening economy and future of the company

16. In 2020 the ultra-rich got richer. Now they\'re bracing for the backlash

17. IRS could raise revenue without raising tax rates if it were properly resourced, Yellen says

18. After History of Erratic Economic Policy, Erdogan Plunges Turkey Into Fresh Turmoil

19. Disney Plus Is Hiking Prices for First Time in the U.S. This Week

20. How 10 Economists Think About the Economy Potentially Overheating

21. If the Economy Overheats, How Will We Know?

22. This 33-year-old entrepreneur earns $226,000 in San Francisco—here’s how she spends her money

23. February Durable Goods Data Disappoints

24. Argentina Can\'t Repay IMF $45 Billion, Vice President Says

25. U.S. GDP growth in fourth quarter raised slightly to 4.3% - and all signs point to economy speeding up

26. Elizabeth Warren grills Janet Yellen: Why isn\'t BlackRock \'too big to fail?\'

27. The Small Business Administration is set to triple loan amounts for businesses hurt by Covid

28. Biden’s Task: Overhaul the Economy, as Fast as Possible

29. How to play the reflationary trade with energy stocks

30. IMF warns of \'diverging recoveries\' post-pandemic



오늘의 뉴스_20210322

Information/today news|2021. 3. 22. 07:14
1. "밥그릇 없어질라" 노조 반발…기득권에 발목 잡힌 미래차

2. 연준이 시장을 속이는 걸까, 시장이 연준을 오해한 걸까?

3. [뒷북경제] 보유세 세금폭탄이 가짜뉴스? '정부에 월세'VS'집값 오른만큼 내야'

4. 김봉진, 글로벌 배달전쟁 선봉…亞서 '제2의 배민' 만든다

5. 한은 금통위원들은 왜 안보이는 거지? : 경제일반 : 경제 : 뉴스

6. 신세계인터, 럭셔리 화장품 ‘뽀아레’ 선봬

7. 지난해 가계 흑자율 사상 최고…코로나 시대 슬픈 자화상

8. 文정부 3년, 풀타임 일자리 195만개 사라졌다

9. [단독] 바닥 드러낸 정부 비상금…재난지원금에 다 퍼줬다

10. "5조 시장 시대 눈앞"…코로나 올라탄 건기식

11. AZ백신 접종후 혈전증 20대, EMA가 추가검토 밝힌 주의사례 해당

12. 풍력터빈 입찰에 부품 국산화비율 반영

13. 상장제약사 연구개발비 확대, 한미약품ㆍ유한양행 2000억 상회

14. 이익 줄어도 급여는 늘어…은행원 평균 연봉 1억 육박

15. '코로나 통제불능' 브라질 5일째 2천명대 사망…인접국 긴장고조

16. 실거래가 내린 단지 속속 등장…서울 아파트값 진정세? 2021.03.21.

17. 차분히 모인 범현대가…코로나에도 '아산 정신' 그대로

18. 네이버·카카오·엔씨 연봉 1억… 임직원 격차는 ‘갈등의 불씨’

19. "평균 600억 수퍼로또" LH 공공택지 44개 휩쓴 호반건설 비밀

20. 의학계, AZ 백신 접종 뒤 '혈전 현상' 원인 규명 착수

21. 올들어 가상화폐 12개 상폐…잡코인 주의보

22. 공공택지공급제도 추첨→평가 방식으로 개선

23. [넘버스]삼성전자의 적(敵)이 '재해'인 이유

24. 발사 중단 된 차세대중형위성 1호, 22일 발사 재시도

25. EU·英, 추악한 '백신 싸움'...화이자로 불똥

26. 3공장 돌아가니 숨통 트인 삼성바이오로직스...가동률 60.5%→85%

27. '개인 공매도 확대'…증권사 주식 대여금 절반만 계산

28. 中 '테슬라 금지령'에…머스크 "스파이짓 했다면 문 닫겠다"

29. 노현정, 한복에 마스크 모습 포착…故 정주영 회장 20주기 추모제사 참석

30. 가장 더러운건 변기가 아니었다, 상식 뒤엎은 충격 실험



Today News_20210322

Information/today news|2021. 3. 22. 07:14
1. Where is my stimulus check? We are answering your top questions

2. A Fed With No Fear of Inflation Should Scare Investors

3. Oil giant Saudi Aramco sees 2020 profits drop to $49 billion

4. 'As bad as Brexit': Turkey faces currency crisis after Erdoğan sacks bank chief

5. CP Rail Agrees to Buy Kansas City Southern for $25 Billion

6. Summers Sees Worst U.S. Macroeconomic Policy in 40 Years

7. If you got unemployment benefits in 2020, here's how much could be tax exempt

8. The Fed can fight inflation, but it may come at the cost of future growth

9. How Rise In Inflation Will Affect Nigeria's Economy - Experts

10. Spring break boom boosts business owners' hopes: 'Noticeably busy'

11. Navigating Crypto Is as Much Art as Economics

12. U.S.-China trade relations remain strained as Biden team takes tough stance similar to Trump

13. Ilhan Omar: The media is missing the point on the border crisis

14. Outlook darkens for Europe’s virus-stricken economy

15. Zoom increased profits by 4000 per cent during pandemic but paid no income tax, report says

16. Don't Think Fed Will Let Inflation Get Out of Control: Krugman

17. Florida took an aggressive approach to unemployment fraud. Was it worth it?

18. Supply bottlenecks leave ships stranded, businesses stymied

19. Fed's Efforts to Hold Down Rates Raises Inflationary Pressures: Dalio

20. American consumers are the real job creators

21. After Uber's U-turn, ministers must stop giving gig economy bosses an easy ride

22. Watch | ‘India's Way of Calculating GDP Growth Is Misleading’: JP Morgan's Jahangir Aziz

23. The Week in Business: Go Ahead, Put Off Your Taxes

24. Thai Central Bank Outlines Plans for Digital Baht

25. How stalling growth hurts the planet

26. Japan seeks shot in the arm from TSMC to revive chipmaking sector

27. Filing stimulus payments on your taxes

28. Tech companies predict the (economic) future

29. Biden’s $1.9tn stimulus set to return global economy to pre-Covid path

30. Congested Ports and Supply Chain Woes Hit US Factories and Stores



오늘의 뉴스_20210321

Information/today news|2021. 3. 21. 07:53
1. 현대차도 배터리 자체생산 검토…LG·SK '초비상' [최만수의 전기차배터리 인사이드]

2. [Car봄] 아이오닉5, 색상이 예술이네

3. [이코노미스트] ‘4차 재난지원금 지급’ 형평성 논란의 이유

4. 취업준비자 역대 최다 85만명…1년새 2030 취준생 7만명↑

5. 'AZ백신 엄청난 잠재력'…유럽 각국 정상도 접종

6. 아산 정주영, 오늘 20주기…범현대家 차분함 속 추모 이어가

7. 과기부 “차세대중형위성 1호 발사 연기…발사체 이상 발견”

8. 폐암 치료 선도 타그리소···"환자 최적의 선택"

9. '반도체 장인' 삼성전자, 구글 칩 맞춤형으로 설계해준다 [황정수의 반도체 이슈 짚어보기]

10. [인터뷰투데이] '더블상한가' SK바이오사이언스, 오늘도 상한가?

11. 1개뿐이던 '코인' 4년새 200개 육박…"허위공시·잦은 상폐 주의"

12. “전국민을 11km 안에” 쿠팡 속도전에.. 네이버 ‘反쿠팡 동맹’ 떴다

13. 한국인 10 명 중 6 명이 코로나 19로 수면 장애

14. 주유소 휘발유 가격, 1년 만에 1500원대 돌파

15. ′포르쉐 파나메라′ 화제 이유는?... 핫이슈 등극한 차량 가격 ′이목 집중′

16. [공시] 한미약품, 호중구감소증 치료제 '롤론티스'식약처 품목 허가 승인

17. 아파트 15채 사들여 징계받은 LH 직원, 공기업 감사실장으로 재취업

18. “제주도, 탄소중립 나침반 역할”…'출력 제한' 등 과제 산적 2021.03.20.

19. 파월 안 믿는 시장…"인플레 압력 거세, 기준금리 빨리 올릴 것"

20. 마음 급한 기업들...앞다퉈 "여성 사외이사 모셔라"

21. "이과 갔어야 하는건데"…평균 연봉 1억 잇따르는 IT업계

22. 故 이건희 한남동 집 '431억'… 2021년에도 최고 공시가 단독주택

23. 한국인 평균 수면시간은 얼마?

24. [뉴욕증시] SLR 완화 연장 불발·주춤한 금리 상승에 혼조

25. SK바사 물량 독식, 72억 챙겼다는 '교보증권 광클팀', 누구냐 넌?

26. 투기꾼에 휘둘린 SK바사…'상따 교보팀' 70억 챙겼다

27. [단독] 신한금융투자가 팔았던 위워크 투자 상품, 알고 보니 사기였다

28. 전고체 배터리 기술 확보 폭스바겐, 전기차 리더된다

29. 단독주택도 ‘공시가 쇼크’… 서울 평균 10% 뛰어 稅부담 커져

30. 쿠팡, 직원 보유주식 3천400만 주 매각제한 해제



Today News_20210321

Information/today news|2021. 3. 21. 07:53
1. Don't Think Fed Will Let Inflation Get Out of Control: Krugman

2. Richmond Fed President Tom Barkin on the economy and rising rates

3. 3 signs the economy is waking up and could be pointing to an economic recovery

4. Summers Sees Worst U.S. Macroeconomic Policy in 40 Years

5. Krugman Doesn't See Return of 1970's-Style Inflation

6. If you got unemployment benefits in 2020, here's how much could be tax exempt

7. $10,200 unemployment tax break: IRS plans to automatically process refunds

8. The Fed can fight inflation, but it may come at the cost of future growth

9. $10,200 in unemployment benefits won't be taxed, leading to confusion amid tax-filing season

10. Investors position for inflation. Here are their favorite trades

11. The Fed could be a source of market volatility as Powell and others speak in the week ahead

12. Getting EDD benefits can be a nightmare. It’s a nightmare for the agent helping, too

13. March Madness on Wall Street: Stocks to watch as the economy reopening heats up

14. U.S.-China trade relations remain strained as Biden team takes tough stance similar to Trump

15. Powell in WSJ Op-ed: “I Truly Believe that We [the Rich] Will Emerge from this Crisis Stronger and Better, as We [the Rich] Have Done so Often Before”

16. It's Time to Talk About the Bogeyman in the Market: Inflation

17. Erdogan Ousts Central-Bank Head, Installs Interest-Rate Ally

18. The World Will Need 10 Million Tons More Copper to Meet Demand

19. Will 'Running the Economy Hot' Really Help Workers?

20. Southeast Asia Migrant Workers Among Most Affected by Pandemic

21. Rethinking government bailouts amid airline industry crisis

22. Watch | ‘India's Way of Calculating GDP Growth Is Misleading’: JP Morgan's Jahangir Aziz

23. U.K. Edges Closer Toward Limited Brexit Finance Deal With EU

24. Small business owners believe unemployment benefits may be negatively affecting their businesses

25. ‘A sugar rush’: why the Fed fears a booming US economy won’t last

26. At a Hotel in Caracas, Oil Executives Weigh a Return to Venezuela

27. Jerome Powell on the Pandemic Year: Tools to Avoid a Meltdown and Save Livelihoods

28. In Japan, They’re Still Worried About Deflation, Not Inflation

29. New EDD delays mean 2.4 million Californians could wait weeks for unemployment benefits

30. How Sanjeev Gupta lived large on the back of rickety financing

