전체 글에 해당하는 글 985

Today News_20210318

Information/today news|2021. 3. 18. 07:30
1. Federal chair Jerome Powell's opening statement post March meeting

2. Fed raises 2021 GDP forecast to 6.5% from 4.2%

3. Why housing may be reaching a turning point as rates, prices rise

4. U.S. Crude Oil Exports Are Surging. Where Are They Going?

5. Inflation is going to rise no matter what the Fed does: Payne

6. JPMorgan CIO Bob Michele's Message to the Fed: 'Don't Mess Up'

7. Making Sense of India's Markets

8. Dow CEO: The industrial economy is gradually bouncing back from pandemic

9. Bill Gross Sees 3%-4% Inflation Ahead for the U.S.

10. Markets expect Fed chair Jerome Powell to push back on inflation: 'Halftime' trader

11. S&P 500 Hits All-Time High

12. Fed sees stronger economy and higher inflation, but no rate hikes

13. Where’s My Stimulus Payment? Maybe in Your Account. (Finally!)

14. Why good news for the economy can be a drag on your 401(k)

15. Here’s how the $10,200 unemployment tax break works

16. New York unemployment phishing scam explained

17. Extra $300 unemployment benefits may not arrive until April or later, says Labor Department

18. When will the extra $300 in unemployment benefits start?

19. Fed faces communication challenge as doubts mount about its easy policy stance: live blog

20. Battling bigness: Congress eyes action against monopolies

21. Tax Foundation president: Economists 'very concerned' about stimulus amount

22. Markets rally as Federal Reserve raises growth forecasts and cools rate rise fears – as it happened

23. Biden Stimulus Check $1,400: Best Investment Ideas, Save or Spend Stimmy

24. Mind the economic gap: Europe and the US are drifting further apart

25. Record-breaking market frenzy will come to an 'abrupt halt', experts warn | The Business

26. Wall Street's biggest fear isn't Covid. It's inflation

27. Biden 'enormous' amount of spending a 'problem' for economy: Sen. Lankford

28. India readies Saudi oil import cut as stand-off escalates: Report

29. Samsung warns of deepening semiconductor shortage

30. Why an oil price 'supercycle' is unlikely



오늘의 뉴스_20210317

Information/today news|2021. 3. 17. 07:03
1. 테슬라 잡아라… 원통형 배터리 생산시설 늘리는 LG·삼성

2. 작년 손보사 실손보험 적자액 2조4천억…도수치료·백내장 등 과잉진료 탓

3. 쿠팡 주식 이상 조짐…18일 임직원 3400만 주 쏟아진다

4. [로펌의기술]⑩ "시각장애인에게 온라인쇼핑은 더 간절하다"... 두 눈 감고 차별 증거 찾아낸 법무법인 '바른'

5. 200만 동학개미 표심 어디로…오늘 삼성전자 주주총회

6. 소상공인·프리랜서 등 365.5만명, 4.4조원 지급

7. [팩트체크] 서울 가구 29.4% 보유세 오르지만…“폭탄과는 거리”

8. [뉴욕마감]다우 0.4% 하락…FOMC 결정 하루 앞둔 불안

9. '빅5' 기업 주주 500만명…'전 국민 주식투자 시대'

10. 폭스바겐, 中주도 각형 배터리 선택… ‘파우치형’ LG-SK 비상등

11. 이베이코리아 인수전 치열… 신세계·롯데·SKT 예비입찰 참여

12. 소득도, 상속 재산도 '비트코인'에 은닉… 고액 체납자 딱 걸렸다

13. [일문일답]정부 “1주택자 세부담 완화·종부세 기준 상향 검토 없다”

14. LG-SK '배터리 전쟁', 美 바이든 거부권 놓고 '강대강 충돌'

15. [거래소 톺아보기] ⑥4대 거래소, 올해 암호화폐 10종 상장폐지

16. 국민연금 최고수령액 月227만원…나도 이만큼 받을수 있나

17. 유유제약, 주주가치 제고 위한 100% 무상증자 진행

18. 요즘 뜬다는 '라이브커머스'…4건 중 1건 부당광고 '주의' 2021.03.16.

19. 모더나, 어린이 대상 코로나19 백신 임상시험 착수

20. 세금 늘어나는 6월…다주택자 매물 내놓을까? 2021.03.16.

21. 두달반만에…K조선 수주액 10조

22. 진보당 '3기 신도시부터 토지임대부 공공주택으로 100% 전환 하라' 기자회견

23. 반년 새 9명이…포스코 하청 노동자 또 참변

24. 정부 “투기 근절 대책, 가장 빠른 시일 내 마련” 2021.03.16.

25. 공시가 현실화율 70%…가격 안정 vs 세부담 전가

26. 더현대서울 확진자 2명…서울시, 밀집도 낮추기로

27. 카카오 김범수, 기빙플레지 서약…“재산 절반이상 환원” 공식화

28. 대출금리 들썩…"1%p 오르면 가계 부담 12조↑" (2021.03.15)

29. ‘反쿠팡’ 신세계-네이버… 2500억 규모 지분 교환

30. 2월 수입물가, 유가 상승에 3.8%↑...3달째 상승 사이언스



Today News_20210317

Information/today news|2021. 3. 17. 07:03
1. Allianz's El-Erian: Stimulus is one of four factors driving the market

2. Higher inflation will lead to value outperformance: Neuberger Berman's Salzmann

3. There will likely be more inflation fears due to stimulus: Strategas' Jason Trennert

4. How Rising Iran Oil Exports Create Problems for the U.S. and OPEC

5. Here’s how the $10,200 unemployment tax break works

6. $10,200 in unemployment benefits won't be taxed, leading to confusion amid tax-filing season

7. Some cities are paying people up to $16,000 to move there—this online directory will help you find them

8. The Fed must walk a fine line Wednesday as financial markets hang in the balance

9. Two Tech Stocks To Watch As Biden Pours Trillions Into The Green Economy

10. Record-breaking market frenzy will come to an 'abrupt halt', experts warn | The Business

11. Yellen proposing global minimum tax on multinationals ll

12. Why this week's Fed meeting could be 'March madness' for markets

13. Ray Dalio Says It's Time to Buy Stuff Amid 'Stupid' Bond Economics

14. A worry for retirees: Inflation forecasts hit 8-year high

15. Cramer says it's a 'good time to invest' in stocks as U.S. economy recovers from Covid

16. The Women Powering Biden's Economy Are Rewriting The Course Of American History

17. The new stimulus plan could affect your 2020 taxes. Here's how

18. Sunrise Extra: Economic analyst John Tapogna on Portland's economy

19. Wall Street can't keep up with the economy

20. How the U.S. Got It (Mostly) Right in the Economy’s Rescue

21. Texas and Georgia Need a New Economic Model

22. More than $200 billion in unemployment aid may have gone to fraudsters in the pandemic

23. As Uber avoided paying into unemployment, the federal government helped thousands of its drivers weather the pandemic

24. ‘Taper tantrum’ and inflation replace Covid as top investor worry

25. How to track your $1,400 stimulus payment

26. Biden's stimulus will keep America's economy humming for years, Goldman Sachs predicts

27. Mind the economic gap: Europe and the US are drifting further apart

28. Bridgewater Co-CIO Sees Inflation Spiral Forcing Fed Into Action

29. Goldman Sachs predicts U.S. economy will grow 8% this year

30. Biden's $1.9T coronavirus aid package to supercharge US economy: Goldman Sachs



오늘의 뉴스_20210316

Information/today news|2021. 3. 16. 07:12
1. 아파트 공시가 19% 상승…"앞으로 계속 올린다" 주택 보유세의 기준이

2. 가상화폐 재산은닉 2천4백 명 적발…"다 보고 있다" (2021.03.16)

3. 삼성전자, 세계 유일 EUV 제조사 ASML 3000억 투자로 3兆 ‘대박’

4. 공무원 부동산도 전방위 조사하나…오늘 LH 현안질의

5. 유가 상승에 수입물가 3.8%↑…석달째 상승

6. 머스크 CEO 새 직책은 '테크노킹'…테슬라에 생긴 이상한 일

7. [공시] 에코마케팅(230360), 주당 120원 결산배당 결정

8. 은행·집보다 규제 허술…상호금융·땅 대출 죈다

9. 백화점 5층에 아파트 모델하우스...롯데百 대구점 파격 실험 통할까?

10. 자가면역세포로 암 치료 시대…“재발성 교모세포종도 호전” 2021.03.15.

11. 티몬 “전기차·오토바이 기획전”…쿠팡 상장 효과? : 쇼핑·소비자 : 경제 : 뉴스

12. NFT: ‘가상화폐 작품 판매로 제 인생이 완전히 달라졌어요’

13. '농지투기' 길 열어준 허술한 농지법 2021.03.15.

14. [단독]폭스바겐 "파우치형 배터리 안 쓴다" 선언...LG·SK 직격탄

15. 보유세만 4억1000만원, 더펜트하우스 청담에 누가 살까

16. "작년 7월 퇴직자 투기 제보 있었다"…LH는 "조사 어렵다" 묵살

17. 미국발 매수세 없는 비트코인 6만달러… 특이점 or 일시적 상승?

18. 기아 차세대 전기차 EV6…아이오닉 5와 '쌍끌이 흥행' 이끈다

19. 일본 스마트폰, 애플이거나 저가 중국폰이거나

20. 보조날개 손상됐는데 그대로 비행...제주항공 또 '아찔' 운항

21. 국민연금을 평생 월급으로 만드는 법[조은아의 하루 5분 금퇴공부]

22. 금리인하 수용률 은행마다 천차만별…농협 96%·신한 43%

23. 인터파크·아고다·부킹닷컴…호텔에 `최저가` 갑질했다

24. 후진하던 재규어랜드로버의 반성…가격 낮추고 전기차 반격

25. 불황 뚫고 어렵게 취업했는데…월급보니 또 한숨만 나온다

26. [단독] SK바사, 기관 85% 의무보유…`따상상상` 바이오팜보다 유통물량 적네

27. [더뉴스 나우] SK이노베이션 vs LG 화학...'배터리 분쟁' 점입가경

28. 자동차 생산·내수·수출, 두 달째 두 자릿수 증가

29. 침몰하는 부동산정책…선장도 없다

30. 1년새 사용자수 113% 증가… 국내 OTT 비교불가한 넷플릭스



Today News_20210316

Information/today news|2021. 3. 16. 07:12
1. There will likely be more inflation fears due to stimulus: Strategas' Jason Trennert

2. Higher inflation will lead to value outperformance, says Neuberger Berman's Salzmann

3. How Rising Iran Oil Exports Create Problems for the U.S. and OPEC

4. This was Texas' first weekend without Covid-19 limits. Here's how it went for business owners

5. Yellen proposing global minimum tax on multinationals ll

6. Goldman Sachs predicts U.S. economy will grow 8% this year

7. How the U.S. Got It (Mostly) Right in the Economy’s Rescue

8. Biden's tax plan will send US economy into death ‘spiral,' NJ congressman warns

9. $10,200 unemployment tax break: Don’t file an amended tax return, IRS says

10. The Women Powering Biden's Economy Are Rewriting The Course Of American History

11. Americans see better days ahead in pandemic and economy — CBS News poll

12. Texas power retailer Griddy heads toward bankruptcy filing

13. China Becomes First Major Economy to Start Withdrawing Pandemic Stimulus Efforts

14. Gene Sperling to oversee $1.9 trillion stimulus

15. Supply chain tokens see triple-digit gains as the global economy recovers

16. Why this week's Fed meeting could be 'March madness' for markets

17. China's young people struggle to find jobs as unemployment rate holds at 13.1%

18. What to do if you are a victim of unemployment fraud

19. Ray Dalio Says It's Time to Buy Stuff Amid 'Stupid' Bond Economics

20. Biden's $1.9T coronavirus aid package to supercharge US economy: Goldman Sachs

21. Biden Treasury pick Nellie Liang quietly starts work to rein in Wall Street

22. Fed to Hike Rates in 2023 But Dots Won't Show It, Economists Say

23. Texas and Georgia Need a New Economic Model

24. Uncounted in the Unemployment Rate, but They Want to Work

25. How the Biden $1.9tn stimulus has poured fuel on a global market shake-up

26. A year since Black Monday 2 and a round trip for markets

27. These two big banks are refusing to get $1,400 stimulus checks to Americans as quickly as possible

28. Carriers rejected at least $1.3 billion in potential U.S. agricultural exports from July to December

29. Why Reform Conservatives Should Embrace Capitalism, Not Shun It

30. Chris Bannister's WomTakes Aim at Carlos Slim's Cash Cow in Colombia

